Samalta valmistajalta kuin suosittu Clonex !
Root Riot -kasvualusta on valmistettu kompostoiduista orgaanisista materiaaleista ja niillä on loistava pehmeä rakenne, joka säilyttää täydellisen ilman / veden suhteen terveelle ja nopealle juurikasvulle.
Root Riot® sopii sekä pistokkaille että siemenille jatkuvasti paremmin kuin vaihtoehtoiset välineet.
Kuutiot on erityisesti inokuloitu mikro-ravintoaineilla ja biologisesti aktiivisilla ainesosilla nuorten kasvien ravinnoksi ja juurten kehityksen tukemiseksi.
Etenemisväliaine, joka on sekoitettu orgaanisista materiaaleista, joka sopii täydellisesti maaperään ja vesiviljelyyn.
How To Use Root RiotRoot Riot grow plugs are supplied already moist. If they have become dry to touch, simply re-wet by placing them in a bowl of lukewarm water. The plant starter plugs should be spongy and moist – not saturated. Ideally they should be at room temperature. Unused cubes should be kept in the plastic bag to prevent drying.
CUTTINGSSelect cutting material – most species are best propagated from softwood tips. Prepare the material by cutting diagonally below a node or stem swelling. Remove all but a couple of leaves.Dip the cut end into Clonex Rooting Gel and then place gently into the pre-formed hole in the top of the cube. Do not force the cutting in, insert it just far enough to support it.Mist cuttings (Clonex Mist is recommended), and cover the tray with a clear lid or plastic bag to increase humidity. Maintain this humidity with regular misting.
SEEDSSimply place seed into the hole of the cube.Put the tray in a warm place until germination.Keep an eye on the moisture in the cubes, especially in warm conditions which will speed drying out. Ideally moisture should just come to the surface when squeezed. If not, gently water the cubes and then drain well.
When root are visible, the new plant is ready to be transplanted. Cubes can also now be transferred to any growing system.
Samalta valmistajalta kuin suosittu Clonex !
Root Riot -kasvualusta on valmistettu kompostoiduista orgaanisista materiaaleista ja niillä on loistava pehmeä rakenne, joka säilyttää täydellisen ilman / veden suhteen terveelle ja nopealle juurikasvulle.
Root Riot® sopii sekä pistokkaille että siemenille jatkuvasti paremmin kuin vaihtoehtoiset välineet.
Kuutiot on erityisesti inokuloitu mikro-ravintoaineilla ja biologisesti aktiivisilla ainesosilla nuorten kasvien ravinnoksi ja juurten kehityksen tukemiseksi.
Etenemisväliaine, joka on sekoitettu orgaanisista materiaaleista, joka sopii täydellisesti maaperään ja vesiviljelyyn.
How To Use Root RiotRoot Riot grow plugs are supplied already moist. If they have become dry to touch, simply re-wet by placing them in a bowl of lukewarm water. The plant starter plugs should be spongy and moist – not saturated. Ideally they should be at room temperature. Unused cubes should be kept in the plastic bag to prevent drying.
CUTTINGSSelect cutting material – most species are best propagated from softwood tips. Prepare the material by cutting diagonally below a node or stem swelling. Remove all but a couple of leaves.Dip the cut end into Clonex Rooting Gel and then place gently into the pre-formed hole in the top of the cube. Do not force the cutting in, insert it just far enough to support it.Mist cuttings (Clonex Mist is recommended), and cover the tray with a clear lid or plastic bag to increase humidity. Maintain this humidity with regular misting.
SEEDSSimply place seed into the hole of the cube.Put the tray in a warm place until germination.Keep an eye on the moisture in the cubes, especially in warm conditions which will speed drying out. Ideally moisture should just come to the surface when squeezed. If not, gently water the cubes and then drain well.
When root are visible, the new plant is ready to be transplanted. Cubes can also now be transferred to any growing system.